The Nature of Things
Company: The Nature of Things
About the Brand
Produced in the heart of Dublin in The Chocolate Factory creative hub, our beautifully designed, high quality essential oils can be used in natural beauty, health and home care remedies and recipes. The company’s founder Frenchman Benoit Nicol has spent the past 20 years working with the finest oil producers. Their vast network of farmers and distillers taught him a lot. The importance of terroir. Where to yield the best oil from aromatic plants. The best time to harvest. How to prepare the vegetal for extraction. The art of distillation. The best ‘noses’ (perfumers) in the world taught him how to define what is a quality natural oil. Most importantly, they taught him what good smells like. After relocating to Dublin marry his Irish girlfriend, Benoit grasped the opportunity to fulfil a live long dream of creating his own natural brand and share the wonders of essential oils and natural scents with the world. Each oil has a unique story, a beautiful scent and powers that can have a positive effect in our everyday lives. They’re all natural, bringing us closer to nature and their comforting scents make us happy by supporting a healthy body, mind and spirit. The Nature of Things sources its essential oils from all corners of the world: Atlas Cedar from Morocco; Clary Sage and Lavender from France; Eucalyptus from Spain; Frankincense from Somalia; Geranium from Egypt; Ginger and Ylang Ylang from Madagascar; Lemon and Orange from Italy; Lemongrass from Guatemala; Peppermint from the USA; Rosemary from Tunisia; Tea Tree from Australia and Vetiver from Haiti.
26 King's Inns Street, D01P2W7, Ireland
+353 87 170 4635
Where to buy Online
- Pharmacies
- Speciality Stores
- Health Food Stores
Personal Products
- Aromatherapy