Company: Ultra Glow Cosmetics Ltd

About the Brand
THE ORIGINAL AND BEST BRONZING RANGE (FOR OVER 35 YEARS). BRAND PHILOSOPHY The expression “as individual as you” is at the heart of the unique approach Ultra Glow introduced to make-up. A multi-purpose easy wash-off natural bronzing powder as an all in one way of enhancing natural individual beauty. This was in direct contrast to the onerous traditional approach of cleanse/tone/moisturise before applying layers of make-up for the somewhat formal 1980’s look. Ultra Glow almost instantly became recognised as a leading innovator in providing the most effective way to achieve a natural healthy look. With the added benefit of a business commitment to premium quality at a fair price the brand offering has remained at the forefront of make-up quality, value and innovation in achieving a natural healthy look. All ULTRAGLOW products are Vegetarian and many are Vegan.
Unit 10 Gamma Terrace, West Road, Ipswich, IP3 9FF, United Kingdom
+44 1473271500
Where to buy
https://www.ultraglow.co.uk/en/ultraglow- High Street Shops
- Online
- Mail Order
- Telephone Order
- Pharmacies
- Speciality Stores
- Salons
Personal Products
- Cosmetics