How to ask your favourite brands to become cruelty-free

Can’t find your favourite brand in the Compassionate Shopping Guide and think they should be? Or do you know of a company that you want to see go cruelty-free?

Never underestimate the power you have as a consumer. If a company that you want to buy from isn’t listed in our guide, why not contact them to ask them about their animal testing policy and encourage them to become endorsed?

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some key points to include:

  • If it’s not obvious, ask what their animal testing policy is.
  • Ask them if they have a Fixed Cut Off Date* in place.
  • Ask if they’re owned by a parent organisation. Sometimes a brand may have an FCOD animal testing policy, but their parent company doesn’t.
  • Ask if they sell their products in any countries where their products could be subjected to mandatory animal testing.
  • Mention that, as a supporter of Naturewatch Foundation, you use the Compassionate Shopping Guide to ensure you shop cruelty-free and would like to see them become endorsed in the guide. You might want to point out that it’s completely free for companies to become endorsed! They can visit to find out more.

If you know the company is not cruelty-free, write a polite letter expressing your disappointment, and ask them to keep the issue at the forefront of their corporate responsibility. Companies exist to make profit, so if you’d shop with them if they had better values, tell them – it could make all the difference!

Show your favourite endorsed brands some love, too!

Equally, if a company you like to buy from has adopted a robust animal testing policy and is endorsed by us, give them some positive feedback and tell them how pleased you are to see them in the guide.

Please share any responses you receive with us at

*Fixed Cut Off Dates ensure the ingredients used in products are also cruelty-free. Read more about Fixed Cut Off Dates here.

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