Join our movement to make UK homes cruelty-free!
19th August 2024
For lots of us, buying makeup and cleaning products that don’t harm animals is second nature. But did you know, there are lots of other common household items hiding in our homes that could have ties to animal testing?
Consider paint, varnish, grout, and wallpaper paste. It’s pretty tough to find decorating items in shops that you can be certain haven’t been tested on animals.
Let’s fix that.
Support Naturewatch Foundation’s Paint With Kindness, Not Cruelty campaign to makeover the home improvement industry’s values! Will you help end animal testing by doing three quick things today:
- Sign the petition to strengthen the UK’s household product testing ban – the UK ‘banned’ testing household products on animals in 2015, but the ban only really applies to certain finished products. Loopholes mean ingredients can still be tested on animals and the ban doesn’t prohibit the sale of household products tested on animals elsewhere in the world within the UK. Support our calls for a proper ban without loopholes.
- Tell decorating brands to go cruelty-free – it was compassionate shoppers just like you who made the cosmetics and personal care industry change its ways by demanding cruelty-free products. You can use your purchasing power to change the home improvement industry, too. Use our template email to encourage decorating brands to go cruelty-free and join the Compassionate Shopping Guide.
- Learn more about why this matters – visit the Naturewatch Foundation website to find out more about household product testing.
Thank you for your support. Simple actions like these really do make a difference. Together, we can make UK homes completely cruelty-free.