Company: Loopy Products Limited

About the Brand
Unlike the famous film franchise, Mission Impossible, we believe that changing the world by changing your cleaning products is very much: possible. It all starts with you. Ditching brands that sell you 90% water packaged in single use plastic for one that offers a refillable cleaning solution with just a tab and tap water. Homethings is a great place to start – not just to give your home a powerful clean but to challenge the industry to clean up it's act. One tab at a time. And whilst we can't clean up the mess in politics or the 101 other bonkers things going on right now, we can give you a good clean sesh without trashing the planet. Our products are certified by the Vegan Society and we are also proudly carbon neutral and B corp pending.
71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ
Household Products
- Bathroom Cleaner
- Laundry Products
- Multisurface Cleaner
- Window / Glass Cleaner